Utes, vans, cars, trucks or trailers, vehicle signage is a mobile billboard that will help you get your brand and message out, day and night. Wherever you travel or park, it will help your business stand out from the crowd, especially in traffic - make your fleet of vehicles uniform and easily identifiable!

Any size, any colour, any design. The limit is your imagination!


SignsPlus Graphics offers a unique professional perspective at the intersection of digital media and design strategy. We enjoy brainstorming creative ideas with clients and using our design experience to ensure you get the most out of our collaboration. This service will help you grab the attention you deserve and need to succeed.

Get in touch to schedule an initial consultation today.



Will my vehicle have damage once I remove the signage?

With professional installation and removal, a vehicle wrap should not damage the vehicle if it is factory painted, or high-quality paint. A wrap will actually help protect the surface and quality of the paint underneath from sun damage, minor scratches, and stone chips. When you remove them, there may be some adhesive residue left behind that can be easily removed with cleaner.

What is a vehicle wrap?

A vehicle advertising wrap is a large vinyl graphic applied directly over the vehicle’s original paint, a vehicle wrap is a great way to build awareness for your business.

How long does a vehicle wrap typically last?

Depending upon weather conditions, care, and overall treatment, you can expect a vehicle wrap to typically last approximately 5 years or longer with the right maintenance! If you’re interested in a short-term wrap, speak to our team about our temporary wrap that is easily removable. With professional installation and removal, you can expect that when your wrap comes off the vehicle’s paint condition is in as good of shape as when you last saw it!